St. John Fish Fry

St. John Fish Fry

St. John's (Catholic Church) Banquet Hall - St. John the Baptist Knights of Columbus Council 5129

Event details

Address: 753 South Hyatt Street , Tipp City, OH 45371 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Mar 31 2023)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

St. John Fish Fry

Choose from Fried Caribou Cod, Fish Chowder, Mac-N-Cheese, French Fries, Baked Potatoes, Coleslaw, Applesauce, Desserts, & Beverages.

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

St. John Fish Fry is taking place at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, which is located at 753 South Hyatt Street in Tipp City. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church - Whether you are a parishioner, a potential new parishioner or are simply surfing the web, welcome to our Parish!

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