50 Years Hiking in the Glen

50 Years Hiking in the Glen

Once taken simply to document the present, this collection of photographs helps us to witness the past.

Event details

Address: 405 Corry St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Thu, Oct 13 2016)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

50 Years Hiking in the Glen

Enjoy stories of change and growth, as we enjoy the pictorial evolution of Glen Helen, presented by Rubin Battino. Vernet Building: Auditorium. Free. Donations made online or at the event appreciated. Thu. October 13. 7 pm - 8 pm

Glen Helen Nature Preserve

50 Years Hiking in the Glen is taking place at Glen Helen Nature Preserve, which is located at 405 Corry St. in Yellow Springs. Glen Helen Nature Preserve - Glen Helen is a 1,000-acre nature preserve of woods, waterways, prairies, and fields, laced with 25 miles of trails.

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