Immortal Tree Qigong w/ Monica

Immortal Tree Qigong w/ Monica

Immortal Tree Qigong classes will be guided movement meditations to help you connect to your own inner energy, to feel it, to move it, to explore it and to cherish it

Event details

Address: 400 Linden Ave, Dayton, OH 45403 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Tue, May 21 2024)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

Immortal Tree Qigong w/ Monica

Qigong is one of the five pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine and an ancient Taoist practice for feeling and moving the energy inside your body. In fact, the word "Qigong" means "Master of Energy" or "the skill of working with energy". Immortal Tree Qigong classes will be guided movement meditations to help you connect to your own inner energy, to feel it, to move it, to explore it and to cherish it... and then to see your inner energy as a microcosm of the energy of Nature. Each class will be taught as an in-body-ment of the season, weather, moon phase, and time of day with plenty of options for exploration so YOU can find your own unique connection to Nature and find Your Way (Tao) through this practice. 

This offering will occur weekly on Tuesdays from 7-8pm, from March 19th-May 21st.

Led by Monica Schultz. In her early adulthood, Monica stumbled into martial arts and after a decade or more found Qigong and fell in love. She has studied extensively in the USA and abroad with multiple masters who have taught her not only the martial aspects of the practice, but also the medical, the mental, and the spiritual aspects. She is certified to teach by four separate masters, and currently teaches around the Dayton community in the local parks. But Monica's love of Qigong is just one way she in-bodies her love of Nature, specifically as it relates to health and well-being. While her career has spanned the entire Western healthcare system (from insurance and pharmaceuticals, to nutrition and skin care, and from private doctor's offices to large hospital systems), her interests have given her extensive experience in and with natural and alternative health options (including the Blue Zones, Ayurveda, chronobiology, cryotherapy, and more). She dreams of creating a service to help anyone looking for well-being find their Way through the maze of both Western healthcare and more natural and traditional health options. 

Temple of the Rebel Goddess

Immortal Tree Qigong w/ Monica is taking place at Temple of the Rebel Goddess, which is located at 400 Linden Ave in Dayton. Temple of the Rebel Goddess - Imagine a self-serve sacred coffee shop, where everything is donation based, and where you can cultivate your relationship to the Divine. Do your work, your art, or offer devotion to the deities.

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