Ancestor's Wisdom Rattle Making

Ancestor's Wisdom Rattle Making

In this two-part workshop you will create a custom rattle for yourself using elk medicine

Event details

Address: 400 Linden Ave, Dayton, OH 45403 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Jul 30 2022)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $77.00

Ancestor's Wisdom Rattle Making

Rattles have been used by shamans and priestesses for centuries to direct energy, broadcasting prayer and intention into the non-physical world using sound vibration as the medium. A rattle can assist one into a trance state, it can invoke the assistance of power animals, helping spirits or ancestors. Or, more simply, rattles can be used as a supportive percussion instrument to accompany the deeper tones of a drum. Rattles are easy to play, perfect for all levels and all ages. Rattles are intuitively played, without any need for formal practice. This is shown by the delight of a baby when handed a rattle as its first instrument.


In this two-part workshop, you will create a custom rattle for yourself using elk medicine. You decide:




-and sound (what you fill it with, and how much you use)

We provide materials, tools, and inspiration, but ultimately you lead your creation.


During evening 1 we will cut and sew the hide into the rattle head. Basic sewing skills are helpful but not necessary as we will teach you everything you need to know. Before letting it dry we fill the rattle head with sand and mold it into a desired shape to dry overnight. After drying is complete, during evening 2 we will attach it to the handle, and decorate as you desire.


In addition to rattle making, we will sit in circle to share stories and wisdom. With help from our inner guides, we will experience a pathworking meditation to help inspire the gift of sound that wants to be made manifest through you. We will play music, make noise, get loud and take up space. Not only will you walk out with a hand made rattle, we will relish in the association of wild & sacred community together.


*We will provide wooden dowels for the handles, but if you have an antler, bone, or a sturdy stick from nature, please bring that as your rattle handle. Feel free to bring feathers or fur, beads or leather, and anything else from your stash of natural findings to include.


*You must be present at both evenings to complete your rattle. Our elk hides are sustainably sourced through Native communities.

Investment: $77/person

This offering is intended for all individuals - guys, gals, in-betweens, and all other pals.

Temple of the Rebel Goddess

Ancestor's Wisdom Rattle Making is taking place at Temple of the Rebel Goddess, which is located at 400 Linden Ave in Dayton. Temple of the Rebel Goddess - Imagine a self-serve sacred coffee shop, where everything is donation based, and where you can cultivate your relationship to the Divine. Do your work, your art, or offer devotion to the deities.

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