Living Well: Wills & Trusts

Living Well: Wills & Trusts

Attorney Jeff Winwood with Coolidge Wall will lead an estate planning workshop to better understand wills, trusts, and the process for distributing money and property after death.

Event details

Address: 1776 Far Hills Avenue, Oakwood, OH 45419 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, May 05 2024)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Attorney Jeffrey Winwood discusses Wills and Trusts

Attorney Jeff Winwood with Coolidge Wall will lead an estate planning workshop on wills and trusts. Learn how money and property are distributed after death, the difference between wills & trusts, and why some people may want to have both. Bring your questions!

About the Presenter: Jeffrey A. Winwood has been practicing in the areas of estate and trust planning, probate law and business law for more than 30 years in the Dayton area. Originally from Springfield, Ohio, Jeff graduated from Colgate University with a Bachelor of Science and received his Juris Doctor from the Indiana University School of Law. Among other honors, Jeff was elected a fellow in the prestigious American College of Trusts and Estates Counsel (ACTEC) and has served in the college since 1999.

Wright Memorial Public Library

Living Well: Wills & Trusts is taking place at Wright Memorial Public Library, which is located at 1776 Far Hills Avenue in Oakwood. Wright Memorial Public Library - Books are only the beginning at Wright Memorial Public Library. So much to see, so much to do!

Dayton Events Calendar

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