Big Rig Gig in Centerville - canceled

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Big Rig Gig in Centerville - canceled

Check out big vehicles from around town at the annual Centerville-Washington Park District Big Rig Gig!

Event details

Address: 1790 E. Social Row Road, Centerville, OH 45458 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, May 09 2020)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Big Rig Gig in Centerville - canceled

Bring your children to the annual Centerville-Washington Park District Big Rig Gig!

They'll have a chance to climb on the big vehicles from around town! Honk a fire truck horn, shift the gears of a Centerville-Washington Park District tractor, check out the buttons in the law enforcement vehicles and much more.

Attendees are encouraged to bring full-size toiletries or everyday household items for YWCA Dayton. In addition, Sno-cones from Kona Ice will be available for purchase, with 25% of the proceeds benefiting YWCA Dayton.

Registration is not required.

10:00 – 10:30 a.m. is a special sensory time with reduced noise and lights. Participants will be discouraged from honking horns or turning on lights. After 10:30 a.m. this event is LOUD. Please consider providing ear protection for your child(ren) if sensitive to sound. No pets, please.

Oak Grove Park

Big Rig Gig in Centerville - canceled is taking place at Oak Grove Park, which is located at 1790 E. Social Row Road in Centerville. Oak Grove Park - 102 acre park in Centerville, Ohio.

Centerville-Washington Park District.

Centerville-Washington Park District - Ohio Township Park District with more than 1,030 acres of open space preserved at 51 parks.

Dayton Events Calendar

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