Troy Civic Theatre presents Oliver

Troy Civic Theatre presents Oliver

Oliver! is the musical adaptation of Charles Dickens's classic tale of an orphan who runs away from the orphanage, run by the heartless Mr. Bumble.

Event details

Address: Adams St, Across from Hobart Arena, Troy, OH 45373 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Dec 14 2014)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $16 Evenings $14 Sunday Matinee's

Troy Civic Theatre presents Oliver

Oliver! is the musical adaptation of Charles Dickens’s classic tale of an orphan who runs away from the orphanage, run by the heartless Mr. Bumble. After running away Oliver hooks up with a group of boys trained to be pickpockets by a con artist, Fagin, where he meets the artful Dodger and Nancy. When Oliver goes on his first pick-pocketing job, he is caught by the police. He soon realizes that neither he nor Nancy is fit for a life of crime. The man that Oliver robbed, Mr. Brownlow, learns of his sad past and brings him into his own home. This heart-warming musical is something that the whole family can enjoy!!

Troy Civic Theatre

Troy Civic Theatre presents Oliver is taking place at Troy Civic Theatre, which is located at Adams St, Across from Hobart Arena in Troy. Troy Civic Theatre - Troy Civic Theatre has provided quality family entertainment and live theatre experiences for the Miami Valley since 1965. Our productions include comedies, musicals, dramas, tragedies and children's theatre.

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