Mayberry Market @ Walnut Hills Event Farm

Mayberry Market @ Walnut Hills Event Farm

An upscale vendor market featuring over 60 small businesses across the state! Shopping, food trucks, live music and drinks on a beautiful serene farm in Dayton, Ohio!

Event details

Location: 9085 Adams Road Dayton, Ohio 45424 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Sep 02 2023)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $10

Mayberry Market @ Walnut Hills Event Farm

A new shopping experience in the Dayton area. The Mayberry Market is an upscale market featuring makers, artisans and small businesses across the state and surrounding states. Located on an up and coming farm event venue called Walnut Hills Event Farm. Conveniently located just minutes off of I-70. The farm will be filled with white tents that will unveil an array of products. Not only can you shop but you can grab a bite to eat from 5 different food trucks, enjoy live music and sip on an ice cold beverage! From the atmosphere to the great shopping finds it's a must attend market! Just a 2 day event Friday, September 1st 4p to 8p and Saturday, September 2nd 10a to 4p! Tickets available to purchase in advance online via our website or attendees can pay at the door either day! Come get your shop on with us!

Dayton Events Calendar

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