Kelly Ritchey at Riff Raff Tavern

Kelly Ritchey at Riff Raff Tavern

Live entertainment at Riff Raff Tavern on the Canal.

Event details

Address: 130 N. Patterson, Dayton, OH 45402 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, May 24 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $10.00 In advance $12 at door

Kelly Ritchey at Riff Raff Tavern

Kelly Ritchey has been discribed as " Stevie Ray" trapped in a womens body,with Janis Joplin screaming to get out. Hailing from KY, Ritchey is a master Blues Quitarist who has shared the stage with the like s of Albert King, Jonny Winter, and  Lonnie Mack.


Riff Raff Tavern on the Canal

Kelly Ritchey at Riff Raff Tavern is taking place at Riff Raff Tavern on the Canal, which is located at 130 N. Patterson in Dayton. Riff Raff Tavern on the Canal - Riff Raff Tavern permanently closed in 2017. Club Evolution has taken its place.

Dayton Events Calendar

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