Santa's Silent Disco in Beavercreek Nov 17 thru Dec 31

last updated 11/10/2023
Santa's Silent Disco in Beavercreek Nov 17 thru Dec 31

Family Friendly Holiday Dance Party Pop-up Store at The Mall at Fairfield Commons Nov 17th through Dec 31st

Event details

Address: 2727 Fairfield Commons, Beavercreek, OH 45431 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Dec 31 2023)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: Kid single day - $14 Adult single day - $17 Group of ten (any age) - $12 per person “Santa’s unlimited dance pass” - $99 - full access during operating hours for the full six weeks

Santa’s Silent Disco coming to The Mall at Fairfield Commons

Santa’s Silent Disco, A Family Friendly Holiday Dance Party Pop-up Store, coming to The Mall at Fairfield Commons

Santa’s Silent Disco, a brand new holiday themed, family friendly dance party concept, has announced they’re opening their first seasonal pop-up location at The Mall at Fairfield Commons on Nov 17th and plan to operate daily through Dec 31st.

Santa’s Silent Disco, A Family Friendly Holiday Dance Party Pop-up Store

“We’re so excited to see all the kids and their family and friends dancing with Santa and his holiday crew this year out in Beavercreek!” Brian Johnson, Santa’s Silent Disco partner said. “We’re curating three upbeat holiday playlists for guests to switch between and working hard on decorating the space in a way that guests will have trouble not taking selfies, when they’re not dancing.”

Silent Discos are a trend in the entertainment industry featuring a special set of headphones that guests can switch between and choose what songs and genres they feel like listening too. Santa’s Silent Disco is taking that concept, making it family friendly, and expanding it over a six week period as an “ongoing pop up dance party” in one of The Mall at Fairfield Commons former restaurant spaces.

“The trend has been to focus on adult entertainment with Silent Discos but we know that kids like it just as much, if not more,” Johnson said. “We’re also building out a small concessions area focusing on holiday themed hand craft sodas, local bakery goods and some light snacks.”

Santa’s Silent Disco’s first public day of operation will be Friday, Nov 17th with Santa taking to the DJ station for the first time at 7:30pm. They announced that they’ll be operating 7 days a week from 11am - to 8pm.

“We’re already working with groups and clubs of all types who are super excited to be in the space,” Johnson said. “We’re also developing a charity concept for local groups to host fundraisers while dancing with Santa during the week! We can’t wait to see everyone out here!”

The Mall at Fairfield Commons

Santa's Silent Disco in Beavercreek Nov 17 thru Dec 31 is taking place at The Mall at Fairfield Commons, which is located at 2727 Fairfield Commons in Beavercreek. The Mall at Fairfield Commons - The Mall at Fairfield Commons is one of the premier retail centers in the Dayton-Springfield, Ohio, metropolitan area.
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