Veggie Fest at Butter Cafe

last updated 10/04/2020
Veggie Fest at Butter Cafe

Veggie Fest at Butter Cafe! Dine-in, carryout and delivery - call (937) 985-9917

Event details

Venue: Butter Cafe
Address: 1106 Brown Street, Dayton, OH 45409 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Oct 10 2020)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

Veggie Fest at Butter Cafe

Butter Cafe Veggie Fest menu

Tofu Breakfast Scramble: Seasoned tofu, vegan sausage, potatoes, your choice of toast with vegan butter $8.95

Vegan Pancakes: Two vegan pancakes served with vegan butter $3.95

Vegan French Toast: Two pieces of our Texas toast dipped in Vegan Just Egg and grilled to perfection $8.95

Vegan Burrito: Seasoned tofu scrambled with black beans and vegan cheese, served with a side of salsa

Veggie Fest - Peace, Love, and Vegetarians

Veggie Fest - Peace, Love, and Vegetarians

Veggie Fest Week is Oct-3-10: view more menus

Butter Cafe

Veggie Fest at Butter Cafe is taking place at Butter Cafe, which is located at 1106 Brown Street in Dayton. Butter Cafe - Breakfast is served all day, lunch begins at 10:30. Home-made desserts made daily!
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