St. Charles Fish N' Chips Fest

St. Charles Fish N' Chips Fest

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with St. Charles - our Annual Fish n' Chips fundraiser.

Event details

Address: 4500 Ackerman, Kettering, OH 45429 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Mar 15 2024)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $20 includes 2 Hecht family fish sandwiches, fries & slaw or a kids meal: pizza and a drink

St. Charles Fish N' Chips Fest

St Charles Fish N' Chips

Feeling lucky? You have come to the right place. It's the luckiest fish fry in town!!  Auctions, Wine Pull, Grub Grab, Gambling, and TVs to Watch March Madness! 

Family dining/drive-thru 4.30-5.30pm

Doors open at 6pm for Adults 21+


St. Charles Borromeo School

St. Charles Fish N' Chips Fest is taking place at St. Charles Borromeo School, which is located at 4500 Ackerman in Kettering. St. Charles Borromeo School - St. Charles Borromeo School is located in Kettering, Ohio.

St. Charles Parish.

St. Charles Parish - A Catholic community united in faith and dedicated to the love of God and neighbor.

Dayton Events Calendar

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