Hell's Dungeon 2024 Haunt
Hell's Dungeon is Dayton Ohio's newest and only ALL indoor haunted attraction. If you're afraid of hell, wait until you see what lies beneath hell.
Event details
Hell's Dungeon 2024 Haunt
Dayton, Ohio's Newest Nightmare!
From the deep backwoods, to the abandoned halls of an archaic medical facility, and to the glitz and glamour of a traveling carnival.... We have such sights to show you. 3 Unsettling glimpses into the darkness that plagues the soul of men. A true vision into the horror that awaits all at the end of their days. You may run... You may hide... But we're coming for you....
Fridays & Saturdays Only September 13th through November 2nd Doors open at 8pm and close at midnight (or until line is empty)
"Hell's Dungeon" is located in the rear of the Eastown Shopping Center off of Linden Avenue.