Furs & Feathers: A Culture of Fashion

Furs & Feathers: A Culture of Fashion

A new exhibit explores changes in the culture of fur and feather fashion from the late 1800s to the early 21st century with a display of hats, coats and capes.

Event details

Address: 149 E. Locust Street, Wilmington, OH 45177 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Dec 18 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $5

Furs & Feathers: A Culture of Fashion

A new exhibit at the Clinton County History Center, “Furs & Feathers: A Culture of Fashion,” explores changes in the culture of fur and feather fashion from the late 1800s to the early 21st century,  with a display of hats, coats, jackets and capes.

The wearing of fur provided warmth for early mankind.  As fashion and culture changed, the wearing of furs took on new meanings.  They were symbolically worn during ceremonies; used to distinguish the aristocracy from common man; provided deep pocketed raccoon coats for hiding flasks at football games; became symbols of luxury, glamour and sexuality; and gave evidence that a woman’s husband or “friend” had become a success.

Unlike fur, feathers provide no protection for the heat and no comfort from the cold.  For millennium, mankind has used feathers for adornment and symbolically in spiritual ceremonies.  Before her untimely beheading in 1793, Marie Antoinette introduced the wearing of plumage in the French Court.  As this fashion custom made its way throughout Europe and the United States colonies, thousands of birds were killed for their plumage by the millinery trade.

Clinton County History Center

Furs & Feathers: A Culture of Fashion is taking place at Clinton County History Center, which is located at 149 E. Locust Street in Wilmington. Clinton County History Center - The Place for Clinton County Ohio History and Genealogy.

Clinton County Convention & Visitor's Bureau.

Clinton County Convention & Visitor's Bureau - The Clinton County CVB is the destination marketing organization for the county, located in Southwest Ohio.

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