The Hat & Art Show To Remember

The Hat & Art Show To Remember

Before the holidays get too busy let's come together for a Extravaganza To Remember!

Event details

Location: Deja Vu Hall, 4321 Salem Ave., Dayton, OH, 45416 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Nov 08 2014)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $25.00

The Hat & Art Show To Remember

This event is a time to get out and enjoy the arts and music of Reggie Harmon and a showing of hats by Uniquely Dozier's. There will be dancing, music, food and entertainment by People of Diversity (Hat Show). It will be fun and allows you the opportunity to get out and meet two entrepreneurs in Dayton and Huber Heights, OH. You do not have to buy anything, but if you see something you like it is for sale! Come on out and support Reggie and The Dozier's!

Uniquely Dozier's.

Uniquely Dozier's - We sell dress clothing and hats, as well as household items and sporting items.

Dayton Events Calendar

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