Trebein Holiday Bazaar

Trebein Holiday Bazaar

Saturday before Thanksgiving. We feature loacl crafters, artisans, vendors, Pictures with Santa, a kids holiday shoppe and so much more!

Event details

Address: 1728 Dayton Xenia Rd, Xenia, OH 45385 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Nov 16 2019)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Trebein Holiday Bazaar

Get a head start on your Christmas shopping!

Come shop our huge variety of crafters, makers, direct sales representatives, and small businesses! The Trebein Holiday Bazaar is November 16 from 9-2. While you are shopping, be sure to bring your kiddos along to do some shopping of their own. Our kids Holiday Shop is open so be sure to send them with some money and a list of people they need to buy for. Also, Santa will be available for pictures, so be sure to bring a camera. See you there!

Trebein Elementary

Trebein Holiday Bazaar is taking place at Trebein Elementary, which is located at 1728 Dayton Xenia Rd in Xenia. Trebein Elementary - Beavercreek City Schools.

Dayton Events Calendar

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