Fish Fry Fundraiser

Fish Fry Fundraiser

Modern Day Cinderella Inc. is hosting Fish Fry Fundraiser Saturday June 30th, 12-5 PM at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. Proceeds go to their Self-Esteem & Mentoring Program.

Event details

Address: 27 N Gettysburg Ave, Dayton, OH 45417 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Jul 28 2018)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Fish Fry Fundraiser

Join Modern Day Cinderella Inc. for a Fish Fry Fundraiser on Saturday June 30th, 12-5 PM at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. Proceeds go to their Self-Esteem & Mentoring Program "Our Voice."

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

Fish Fry Fundraiser is taking place at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, which is located at 27 N Gettysburg Ave in Dayton. Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church - Macedonia is a Christ-Centered congregation that Develops Disciples by being Committed To the Master, Connected through Ministry and Concerned about Man.

Modern Day Cinderella Inc..

Modern Day Cinderella Inc. - 501c3 nonprofit organization focused on providing support & guidance for today's young women.

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