Hank Haller Ensemble

Hank Haller Ensemble

Polkas, Waltzes, Ballads, Standards & Favorite Musical Selections

Event details

Address: 922 Valley Street, Dayton, OH 45404 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Oct 16 2016)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $14.00 per person includes beer, wine,pop,& snacks

Hank Haller Ensemble

Hank Haller Ensemble

Polkas, Waltzes, Ballads, Standards & Favorite Musical Selections

Sunday:October 16, 2016

3:00PM - 7:00PM

American Czechoslovakian Club

922 Valley Street, Dayton OH

$14.00 per Person

Includes: Beer * Wine * Soft Drinks * Snacks

(Food Available)

Public Invited: Reservations if desired:

Mary Chidester 937-287-4275

Dan Metzger 937-890-2367


American Czechoslovakian Club

Hank Haller Ensemble is taking place at American Czechoslovakian Club, which is located at 922 Valley Street in Dayton. American Czechoslovakian Club - Non-profit ethnic organization promoting the Czechoslovakian & Slovakian heritage.

Dayton Events Calendar

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