Mother's Day ~ Tea, Cupcakes and Embroidered Signed Napkins

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Mother's Day ~ Tea, Cupcakes and Embroidered Signed Napkins

Make and keep making memories, that is what life is about. And who better than to celebrate mom since she is and always will be our biggest cheerleader!

Event details

Address: 25 S. St. Clair St., Dayton, OH 45402 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, May 07 2017)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $40 for 2, $55 for 3, and $70 for 4 guests

Mother's Day ~ Tea, Cupcakes and Embroidered Signed Napkins

Tea, Cupcakes, and Embroidery

Come to Twist Cupcakery located in Downtown Dayton!

Celebrate with mom before Mother's Day, it always seems so busy running from events we wanted you to enjoy a nice relaxing day with your family and close friends.

Eating delicious cupcakes from Twist Cupcakery as you learn to embroider signatures onto napkins. Make a new tradition at events to have everyone sign napkins or tablecloths, then embroider to secure the memories of the day. Keep the same tablecloth and color code each year having everyone sign each year they attend!

Make and keep making memories, that is what life is about. Stopping and enjoying your time with the people that you love and lift you up! And who better than to celebrate mom since she is and always will be our biggest cheerleader!

What you will learn: How to transfer signatures to fabric
French knots

Ages: 7 +

Max Students:  30

Supplies included:

All embroidery supplies will be available for use during class, however, no floss, needles or hoops can be taken home.
Each guest will receive 1 fabric napkin (handmade by Jesy of Needle, Ink and Thread.)
2 cupcakes per guest
Unlimited Tea

What you need to bring:

  •  2 - 5 Signatures of friends or family members
  • Yourself and a friend, add additional friends $15 ea.  (max 2)

Twist Cupcakery

Mother's Day ~ Tea, Cupcakes and Embroidered Signed Napkins is taking place at Twist Cupcakery, which is located at 25 S. St. Clair St. in Dayton. Twist Cupcakery - Closed permanently Oct 14, 2023

Needle, Ink and Thread.

Needle, Ink and Thread - Needle Ink and Thread is a sewing studio that holds private lessons, group classes, workshops, birthday parties, charity drives and so much more!

Dayton Events Calendar

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