Cam Bertrand Funny Bone Comedy

Cam Bertrand Funny Bone Comedy

Florida's Funniest winner and America's Got Talent alumni Cam Bertrand takes the stage. Come catch these jokes!

Event details

Address: 88 Plum Street, Beavercreek, OH 45440 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Dec 02 2023)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $20

Links & Tags

Dayton Funny Bone Comedy Club

Cam Bertrand Funny Bone Comedy is taking place at Dayton Funny Bone Comedy Club, which is located at 88 Plum Street in Beavercreek. Dayton Funny Bone Comedy Club - The Funny Bone is a comedy club that brings Dayton the best stand-up shows in the nation!

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