Pints & Whiskers Beard and Mustache Competition - Warped Wing

Pints & Whiskers Beard and Mustache Competition - Warped Wing

Whiskermen Grooming Company and Warped Wing Brewing Company are proud to present Dayton's Annual Pints & Whiskers Beard and Mustache Competition at Warped Wing Brewery.

Event details

Address: 26 Wyandot St., Dayton, OH 45402 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Nov 24 2018)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Pints & Whiskers Beard and Mustache Competition - Warped Wing

Whiskermen Beard Company and Warped Wing Brewing Company are proud to present Dayton's 3rd Annual Pints & Whiskers Beard and Mustache Competition at Warped Wing Brewery. This event will help raise awareness and funds for Snuggled Up, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides beds and bedding for children who do not have a bed at home. Come on our and help raise money for a great cause and join the fun!

We will have 4 categories this year (top 3 receive awards):
1. Best Beard
2. Best Mustache
3. Best Partial Beard
4. Best Whiskerina - This is the women's fake beard category. Fake beards are usually crazy and handcrafted monstrosities, made of everything from real human hair or yarn, to moss and flowers or even rubber snakes. 

The competition is FREE to enter. A registration table will be setup starting at 6pm. Judging will take place at 8:00pm. A portion of this events proceeds will benefit Snuggled Up Inc., a non-profit right here in Dayton, Ohio.

Visit Whiskermen:
Visit Warped Wing:
Visit Snuggled Up Inc.:

Warped Wing Brewing Company

Pints & Whiskers Beard and Mustache Competition - Warped Wing is taking place at Warped Wing Brewing Company, which is located at 26 Wyandot St. in Dayton. Warped Wing Brewing Company - Warped Wing Brewing Company - Share a Pint, Make a Friend & Stay Warped

Whiskermen Beard Company.

Whiskermen Beard Company - Whiskermen Beard Company is a find producer of handcrafted 100% natural beard and mustache products, including beard oils, beard balm, beard wash/soap, brushes, combs, and gear. Made in Dayton, Ohio.

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