Miami Valley Toastmasters

Miami Valley Toastmasters

01-27-2024: Unfortunately this club is no longer meeting.

Event details

Address: 7501 Paragon Road, Dayton, OH 45459 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Thu, Jan 18 2024)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

Miami Valley Toastmasters

01-27-2024: Unfortunately this club is no longer meeting.

We help people improve their public speaking skills

Miami Valley Chapter of Toastmasters International. We normally meet on the First and the Third Thursday @ 6:30p at 7501 Paragon Rd in Centerville - Suite 103

Toastmasters is a place where you develop and grow - both personally and professionally. You join a community of learners, and in Toastmasters meetings we learn by doing. Whether you're an executive or a stay-at-home parent, a college student or a retiree, you will improve yourself; building skills to express yourself in a variety of situations. You'll open up a world of new possibilities: giving better work presentations; leading meetings - and participating in them - more confidently; speaking more smoothly off the cuff; even handling one-on-one interactions with family, friends and colleagues more positively.

Essex & Associates, Inc.

Miami Valley Toastmasters is taking place at Essex & Associates, Inc., which is located at 7501 Paragon Road in Dayton. Essex & Associates, Inc. - Accounting, tax preparation, HR services and grant writing.

Miami Valley Toastmasters.

Miami Valley Toastmasters - We help people improve their public speaking skills. Meetings are first and third Thursday of the month at Southview Medical Center, near the Dayton Mall.

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