White Rabbit @ The Tropics

White Rabbit @ The Tropics

A band of seasoned musicians bringing the best classic and modern rock to your venue or event.

Event details

Event by: White Rabbit
Address: 580 Lincoln Park Blvd, Kettering, OH 45429 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Dec 28 2013)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

White Rabbit @ The Tropics

A band of seasoned musicians bringing the best classic and modern rock to your venue or event.

The Tropics Restaurant

White Rabbit @ The Tropics is taking place at The Tropics Restaurant, which is located at 580 Lincoln Park Blvd in Kettering. The Tropics Restaurant - Restaurant located directly across from the Fraze Pavilion. Closed September 2014.

White Rabbit.

White Rabbit - White Rabbit has been playing in the Dayton Area for many years. The band is a classic rock band, specializing in music from the 70s, with a few newer tunes thrown in just to show we can. If you like Steely Dan, The Doobie Brothers, Fleetwood Mac and Janis Joplin, you'll enjoy seeing White Rabbit.

Dayton Events Calendar

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