SICSA Saturdays: Oh Baby! Kitten Shower

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SICSA Saturdays: Oh Baby! Kitten Shower

Join us for baby animal time, learn about everything that goes into taking care of a puppy or kitten.

Event details

Address: 8172 Washington Church Road, Washington Township, OH 45458 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, May 16 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $15

SICSA Saturdays: Oh Baby! Kitten Shower

Each Saturday program is unique and includes quality time with adoptable animals, activities or service projects, lectures from animal welfare experts, and more. Programs are offered one Saturday each month from 1-4 pm and are designed for ages 8-13.

April showers bring May kittens! Join us for baby animal time, learn about everything that goes into taking care of a puppy or kitten. Bring an item from our wish list to help our new kittens and puppies!

SICSA Saturdays are $15 per participant. Pre-registration and payment are required. We provide all supplies, animal interactions, and a snack for each participant.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

If you need to cancel your child's registration for any youth program, please notify us as soon as possible so we can try to fill the opening. If the cancellation is received one week or more before the program date, we will provide a 75% refund. If the cancellation is received less than one week before the program date, a refund will not be guaranteed unless we are able to fill the opening in the program (in which case, a 75% refund would be given). If we decide to cancel a program due to lack of interest, we will provide those enrolled a full refund.

SICSA Pet Adoption Center

SICSA Saturdays: Oh Baby! Kitten Shower is taking place at SICSA Pet Adoption Center, which is located at 8172 Washington Church Road in Washington Township. SICSA Pet Adoption Center - Promoting the welfare and adoption of companion animals, and nurturing loving, lifelong relationships between animals and people.

Dayton Events Calendar

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