Rumpelstiltskin is My Name

Rumpelstiltskin is My Name

Laura, the miller's daughter, is in a bit of a pickle. The poor girl has no idea how to turn straw into gold.

Event details

Address: 27 N. Main Street, Centerville, OH 45459 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Nov 09 2014)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: Adults - $15, Seniors & Students - $13, Under 12 - $10

Rumpelstiltskin is My Name

An A.C.T. Showcase Production

Laura, the miller’s daughter, is in a bit of a pickle. The king thinks she can spin straw into gold and has big plans for increasing his kingdom’s treasury! There’s only one problem! The poor girl has no idea how to turn straw into gold. When a small wizard shows up and promises to help…she makes a bargain she’ll soon regret!

Recommended for Youth ages 4 & Up / Approximate Running Time: One Hour

Town Hall Theatre

Rumpelstiltskin is My Name is taking place at Town Hall Theatre, which is located at 27 N. Main Street in Centerville. Town Hall Theatre - Town Hall Theatre is dedicated to inspiring personal growth in young people and creating shared performing arts experiences for families.

Dayton Events Calendar

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