Kids Night In

Kids Night In

Hey parents, want a nice peaceful evening out? Bring your children to Sew Dayton for an evening full of designing and creative play.

Event details

Venue: Sew Dayton
Address: , Dayton, OH [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, May 08 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $25 - 1 child; $20 each additional

Kids Night In

Hey parents, want a nice peaceful evening out?  

Bring your children to Sew Dayton for an evening full of designing and creative play.

We will walk kids through projects of your choice. Most of all it is a great way to have a date night!

Recommended ages 6-17

All supplies included!!

$25 – 1 child

$20  - each additional child after paying for 1

Pre Registration is required as we can only have around 12 kids.

Sew Dayton

Kids Night In is taking place at Sew Dayton, which is located at in Dayton. Sew Dayton - Sew Dayton closed in August 2016

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