Heartbreak House

Heartbreak House

Shaw's famous comedy about Romance vs. Commerce in WWI .

Event details

Address: 430 Wayne Ave, Dayton, OH 45410 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Jun 14 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: Adult $19 | Senior $17 | Student $12

Heartbreak House

Heartbreak House
by George Bernard Shaw
Directed by Patrick Hayes

Shaw’s famous comedy about Romance vs. Commerce in WWI is led by Captain Shotover who can only produce destructive inventions – and lives in a house where no conventions or traditions are observed. This play is peopled by characters that twist each of these points-of-view into comic consideration. A play particularly suited to our time?

Dayton Theatre Guild

Heartbreak House is taking place at Dayton Theatre Guild, which is located at 430 Wayne Ave in Dayton. Dayton Theatre Guild - Since 1945 - a tradition of good plays done well, utilizing all-volunteer casts, crews and administration (with no membership fees) and participation open to anyone wishing to become a part.

Dayton Events Calendar

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