Desire Under the Elms

Desire Under the Elms

The story of an old, flinty New England hardscrabble farmer determined to take a young wife after burying his first two.

Event details

Address: 430 Wayne Ave, Dayton, OH 45410 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Mar 15 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: Adult $19 | Senior $17 | Student $12

Desire Under the Elms

Desire Under the Elms
by Eugene O’Neill
Directed by Craig Smith

This American classic by America’s leading playwright is the story of an old, flinty New England hardscrabble farmer determined to take a young wife after burying his first two, and the raging conflict that follows with his sons and the young wife. “Hauntingly filled with love and loathing.” Greek tragedy imposed on an American landscape.

Dayton Theatre Guild

Desire Under the Elms is taking place at Dayton Theatre Guild, which is located at 430 Wayne Ave in Dayton. Dayton Theatre Guild - Since 1945 - a tradition of good plays done well, utilizing all-volunteer casts, crews and administration (with no membership fees) and participation open to anyone wishing to become a part.

Dayton Events Calendar

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