LM&M Date Night Express

LM&M Date Night Express

Want to do something different with your significant other, friends, or family that won't break the bank? Come join the LM&M railroad for a memorable night!

Event details

Address: 16 East South Street, Lebanon, OH 45036 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Nov 07 2014)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $60

LM&M Date Night Express

LM&M Railroad will start the night by providing you with a 45-minute train ride through beautiful Lebanon. The Golden Lamb will then present a delicious three-course dinner, including many different fall food options. 

Links & Tags

Lebanon Mason & Monroe Railroad

LM&M Date Night Express is taking place at Lebanon Mason & Monroe Railroad, which is located at 16 East South Street in Lebanon. Lebanon Mason & Monroe Railroad - The Lebanon Mason Monroe Railroad (LM&M Railroad) offers historic train rides for all ages in Warren County Ohio departing from downtown Lebanon.

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