ARTventures at Dayton Art Institute - suspended

ARTventures at Dayton Art Institute - suspended

Looking for a fun and creative Saturday afternoon for you and your family? Join us for art-making experiences at ARTventures!

Event details

Address: 456 Belmonte Park North, Dayton, OH 45405 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Mar 28 2020)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: Free to members; included in museum admission for non-members

ARTventures at Dayton Art Institute - suspended

Take your family on an ARTventure at the museum!

Join us on the second and fourth Saturday of every month (unless otherwise noted) for art-making experiences at ARTventures! Drop in between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. to learn new art-making techniques and create artwork and memories that you’ll take home and cherish. Be sure to check back often for more about program themes and new ARTventures collaborations.

This program is perfect for all ages and all levels of artistic ability. All materials are provided.

Upcoming Programs

January 11 - A-Musing Art Jewelry: Back by popular demand! In conjunction with our latest exhibition Maker & Muse: Women and Early 20th Century Art Jewelry, guests will crete their very own art jewelry utilizing metal repousse techniques. 

January 25 - Ernest Blumenschein-Inspired Portrait Illustrations: Inspired by our exhibtiion of Art by Ernest Blumenschein, guests will create an oil pastel portrait that also illustrates a story about the person they depict. 

February 8 - Kente Collages: In honor of Black History Month, guests will learn about Kente cloth patterns and the may other decorative designs featured in our African Gallery to create a colorful paper pattern collage. 

February 22 - Out-of-this-World Printmaking: In conjunction with our latest exhibition, Samurai, Ghosts, and Lovers: Yoshitoshi's Complete 100 Aspects of the Moon,  guests will be creating prints inspired by the moon while learning about and utilizing traditional Japanese relief printmaking techniques. 

March 14 - Helen Frankenthaler and Joan Mitchell-inspired Abstract Paintings: In honor of Women's History Month, guests will learn about Abstract Expressionists Helen Frankenthaler's and Joan MItchell's painting techniques to create colorful and expressive abstract paintings. 

March 28 - Figurative Sculptures: In honor of Women's History Month, guests will create figurtaive sculptures inspried by Alison Saar's sculpture Lost and Found  and Sandy Skoglund's sculpture Shimmering Madness while utilizing a variety of sculptural materials including clay, metal, wire, and more!

Please check the main DAI website to verify the above dates!

Dayton Art Institute

ARTventures at Dayton Art Institute - suspended is taking place at Dayton Art Institute, which is located at 456 Belmonte Park North in Dayton. Dayton Art Institute - Committed to enriching the community by creating meaningful experiences with art that are available to all. Visit us often to enjoy our diverse collections, world class exhibits and more.

Dayton Events Calendar

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