Gospel Comedy Play- My Way or The Highway

Gospel Comedy Play- My Way or The Highway

My Way Or The Highway is a gospel comedy play that deals with the struggles of the old traditional church, versus today's youth and young adults.

Event details

Address: 22 East Fifth Street, Dayton, OH 45402 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Sep 12 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $20.00 in advance $25.00 at the door

Gospel Comedy Play- My Way or The Highway

Sister Smith, a church elder, is a wealthy establish lady in the church. Everyone knows that, especially her. She pays her tithes and some of the others too. Because of her wealth she runs the church. The problem occurs when the youth and young adults decides they want to become more active in the church and not so traditional.... But OH NO!!! Sister Smith is not having that...

Comedian and Live band, Vendors will also be available .

Tickets available at Crown Point Christian bookstore 
937-262-7446, Divine Salon & Barber 937-313-0720, 14Karat Gold, or Yvonne @ 937-718-2255 

Dayton Convention Center

Gospel Comedy Play- My Way or The Highway is taking place at Dayton Convention Center, which is located at 22 East Fifth Street in Dayton. Dayton Convention Center - The Dayton Convention Center, an ASM Global managed facility is the region's premiere event venue, located in beautiful downtown Dayton, Ohio.

Dayton Events Calendar

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