Eating Raoul at BCT

Eating Raoul at BCT

October 28-November 4, 2016 - The cult film classic has a new life as a zany musical.

Event details

Address: 3868 Dayton-Xenia Road, Beavercreek, OH 45432 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Nov 06 2016)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $12/$15

Eating Raoul at BCT

The Blands want to open a restaurant, but they need cash. Suppose they lure weirdos to their apartment to kill and rob them? Soon, they are a financial success, but disposing of the bodies is a problem. Enter the devious apartment super, Raoul, with a proposition: he will take care of the corpses for a cut (when he’s not performing at a tacky nightclub). The partnership runs amuck and Mary ultimately bops Raoul with her deadly frying pan. Now the Blands have the money they need and they celebrate with a gourmet meal – guess who’s the main course.

Links & Tags

Beavercreek Community Theatre

Eating Raoul at BCT is taking place at Beavercreek Community Theatre, which is located at 3868 Dayton-Xenia Road in Beavercreek. Beavercreek Community Theatre - BCT is located in the Lofino Senior Enrichment and Cultural Arts Center.

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