Shrek The Musical

Shrek The Musical

Make room for ogre-sized family fun as the greatest fairy tale never told comes to life at the Miamisburg Memorial Building with the Children's Performing Arts of Miamisburg.

Event details

Address: 540 E. Park Ave., Miamisburg, OH 45342 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, May 15 2016)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

Miamisburg Memorial Building

Shrek The Musical is taking place at Miamisburg Memorial Building, which is located at 540 E. Park Ave. in Miamisburg. Miamisburg Memorial Building - Memorial Auditorium

Children's Performing Arts of Miamisburg.

Children's Performing Arts of Miamisburg - Children's Performing Arts of Miamisburg (CPAM) is a non-profit children's theater dedicated to promote, to all area youth, the appreciation of the performing arts through education, practice and performance.

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