The Transformative Power of the Exodus: A Seminar on the Biblical Spring Feasts

The Transformative Power of the Exodus: A Seminar on the Biblical Spring Feasts

The world is in turmoil and on the local level so many Christian's are hurting

Event details

Event has passed (Sat, Mar 07 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

The Transformative Power of the Exodus: A Seminar on the Biblical Spring Feasts

The world is in turmoil and on the local level so many Christian's are hurting. We want to be at peace—to be truly free and healed—in order to walk with our great God faithfully each day. As in days of old, into the chaos walks the world's true King: sharing words of life, calling disciples to follow, and recreating everything he touches. That is the heart of The Transformative Power of the Exodus Yesterday, Today and Forever. Together we'll explore an ancient yet new way of understanding the God of the Bible and ourselves through the Spring Feasts.

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 7th and come study and worship with your friends at JC Studies in Dayton, Ohio. We're excited about this special event! Reserve your free tickets here: Have a friend join you for this family-friendly morning which will edify your head and heart.

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Center for Judaic-Christian Studies.

Center for Judaic-Christian Studies - Through educational events, leading scholars share their expertise in the language, culture and traditions of the Bible providing fresh insights into Scripture.

Dayton Events Calendar

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