Early Childhood Open House at The Miami Valley School

Early Childhood Open House at The Miami Valley School

Fostering life long learning beginning at age 3.

Event details

Address: 5151 Denise Drive, Kettering, OH 45429 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, May 07 2016)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Early Childhood Open House at The Miami Valley School

At The Miami Valley School, we're different. As an indepedent schoo, we're independent in our teaching and learning, and in our thinking and doing. For 50 years our students have enjoyed the freedom to explore their world, in a community that encourages them to discover how to express themselves in it. 

We invite you to learn more at our open house. Free childcare provided. 

Links & Tags

The Miami Valley School

Early Childhood Open House at The Miami Valley School is taking place at The Miami Valley School, which is located at 5151 Denise Drive in Kettering. The Miami Valley School - The Miami Valley's only Pre-K through grade 12 independent day school dedicated to challenging young people of promise to become self-sustaining learners and compassionate global citizens.

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