Haggard County at Dark Horse Tavern

Haggard County at Dark Horse Tavern

Haggard County is a band of great musicans and down to earth good guys.

Event details

Address: 209 Byers Road, Miamisburg, OH 45342 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Mar 20 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

Haggard County at Dark Horse Tavern

Haggard County is a band of great musicans and down to earth good guys.  Several of the members of Haggard County have toured nationally with major record label acts and now reside in the area. The lead singer, Rob Gray, was cast as a featured performer at Opryland Themepark in Nashville in the show “Country Music USA”, and also won $25,000 on a nationally televised talent contest created and hosted by Charlie Daniels.  Rob also played every Friday and Saturday night on Nashville's famous Broadway strip for years before moving back home. 

Dark Horse Tavern

Haggard County at Dark Horse Tavern is taking place at Dark Horse Tavern, which is located at 209 Byers Road in Miamisburg. Dark Horse Tavern - Dark Horse Tavern permanently closed in April 2018.

Dayton Events Calendar

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