ED Smith Elementary PTO Fall Festival

ED Smith Elementary PTO Fall Festival

Please join us for the E.D. Smith Fall Festival and Pumpkin Sale.

Event details

Address: 1701 Shafor Blvd., Oakwood, OH 45419 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Oct 10 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

ED Smith Elementary PTO Fall Festival

Please join us for the E.D. Smith Fall Festival and Pumpkin Sale. Bring your family, friends and neighbors for our annual Bake Sale, Musical Straw Bales, Silent Pumpkin Auction, Face Painting, Kids Crafts and Games and MORE!

E.D. Smith Elementary School

ED Smith Elementary PTO Fall Festival is taking place at E.D. Smith Elementary School, which is located at 1701 Shafor Blvd. in Oakwood. E.D. Smith Elementary School - Edwin D. Smith Elementary School, located in Dayton, Ohio

ED Smith School PTO.

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