Easter at Centerville UMC

Easter at Centerville UMC

Easter at Centerville UMC is special! Please invite your family, neighbors, friends and co-workers as we celebrate.

Event details

Address: 63 E Franklin St, Centerville, OH 45459 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Apr 05 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Easter at Centerville UMC

Sunrise Celebration
Join us in Heritage Hall for a simple and meaningful Easter Celebration at 7am as we sing familiar hymns to acoustic music and consider the wonder of the empty tomb that first Easter morning.

All Church Breakfast—Start off your Easter morning with our Sunrise celebration and then join us for an all church breakfast from 8-9am in Fellowship Hall or enjoy refreshments in the lobby before the 11am celebration

Easter Celebrations
Easter at Centerville UMC is special! Please invite your family, neighbors, friends and co-workers as we
celebrate with beautiful music, an Easter Drama and reveal the deep truths of being co-workers with Christ. Both the 9 and 11am celebrations are identical with a blend of deep tradition and moving worship.  

Centerville United Methodist Church

Easter at Centerville UMC is taking place at Centerville United Methodist Church, which is located at 63 E Franklin St in Centerville. Centerville United Methodist Church - Located in the heart of Centerville, we are a church without walls of Christ followers, serving and intentionally growing disciples.

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