Dayton Philharmonic - Singin in the Rain

Dayton Philharmonic - Singin in the Rain

Neal Gittleman will conduct the entire score to the MGM film Singin' in the Rain as it projects on a large screen above the orchestra.

Event details

Address: 1 W 2nd St, Dayton, OH 45402 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Apr 11 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: Single tickets: $23 | $27 | $38 | $54 | $63 | $78

Dayton Philharmonic - Singin in the Rain

Considered one of the best musicals ever produced, Singin’ in the Rain topped the American Film Institute's 100 Years of Musicals list and ranked fifth in its list of the greatest American films in 2007. And the music featured in this musical comedy was doubtless a major contributing cause. The song list includes "All I Do Is Dream of You," "Beautiful Girl," "Broadway Melody Ballet" (composed of "The Broadway Melody" and "Broadway Rhythm"), "Fit as a Fiddle (And Ready for Love)," "Good Morning," "I Got a Feelin' You're Foolin'," "Make 'Em Laugh," "Moses Supposes," "Should I?" "Singin' in the Rain," "Temptation," "The Wedding of the Painted Doll," "Would You?" "You Were Meant for Me," and "You Are My Lucky Star."

Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra Artistic Director Neal Gittleman will conduct the entire score to the MGM film Singin’ in the Rain as it projects on a large screen above the orchestra, providing orchestral accompaniment to the film with the soundtrack stripped of all orchestral music; only the actors’ dialogue and vocals remain.

Come sing along with, or just tap your toes to, the music of one of Hollywood’s best musical films, and watch some of Hollywood’s greatest talents splash across the screen.

The Schuster Center

Dayton Philharmonic - Singin in the Rain is taking place at The Schuster Center, which is located at 1 W 2nd St in Dayton. The Schuster Center - Benjamin and Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center - providing a world-class facility for the best in local, national and international performing artists. Can accommodate up to 2,300 for meetings or 500 banquets.

Dayton Performing Arts Alliance.

Dayton Performing Arts Alliance - The Philharmonic, Ballet, and Opera create art that celebrates life in the Dayton community.

Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra.

Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra - The Dayton Philharmonic is our regional orchestra under Music Director and Principal Conductor Neal Gittleman.

Dayton Events Calendar

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