Annie Sellick

Annie Sellick

Although she's compared to the jazz great's, Annie Selleck is without a doubt an original.

Event details

Address: 300 South Fountain Avenue, Springfield, OH 45506 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Jan 09 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: Adults $30 | Seniors $24 | Students $15

Annie Sellick

Although she’s compared to the jazz great’s, Annie Selleck is without a doubt an original. This Nashville native will put you at ease as she channels legends like Judy Garland and Anita O’Day with her silky sweet voice. She’s made six Japan tours, performed in Germany and dropped four albums on her very own label Chalice Music, Inc. While it may seem she’s done it all, Selleck won’t put a stop to her fairytale jazz career. She’s known for taking over jazz festivals all over the world and putting each individual audience member in their own private show. You can learn more from Selleck than just good music. She’s taken her natural talent to the next level by teaching her skill in workshops and classes. Her control over the stage and the power of her sound makes for a show that cannot be matched.

Clark State Performing Arts Center

Annie Sellick is taking place at Clark State Performing Arts Center, which is located at 300 South Fountain Avenue in Springfield. Clark State Performing Arts Center - Located in downtown Springfield, the Performing Arts Center houses the beautiful Kuss Auditorium as well as the black box Turner Studio Theatre.

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