BTM Annual British Car Meet

BTM Annual British Car Meet

The Annual British Car Meet in front of the British Transportation Museum.

Event details

Address: 321 Hopeland St., Dayton, OH 45417 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, May 11 2024)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Brits at the Museum

British Transportation Museum British Car Meet

The British Transportation Museum will hold its 19th Annual British Car Meet on Saturday May 11, 2024. The Location will be at 321 Hopeland St. in front of the Museum. The show will be a People’s Choice Judging event. The Meet runs from 9AM to 3PM. Registration will be limited to the first 100 cars. Come visit the 65 vehicles in the Museum collection plus tons of memorabilia. Take our TARDIS for a spin. Walk down “Penny Lane” for a photo op.

British Transportation Museum

BTM Annual British Car Meet is taking place at British Transportation Museum, which is located at 321 Hopeland St. in Dayton. British Transportation Museum - An all volunteer 501c3 non-profit charity dedicated to preserving our British motoring heritage through education and vehicle preservation.

Dayton Events Calendar

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