Brookhaven Annual Cruise-In

Brookhaven Annual Cruise-In

Cruise In to our event for a night of cars, fun, and entertainment! The event is FREE!!!

Event details

Address: One Country Lane, Brookville, OH 45309 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Jul 15 2016)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Brookhaven Annual Cruise-In

There will be raffle prizes and awards. We'll give out door prizes at 7 and trophies will be awarded at 7:15 PM.

Brian Brenner Live Entertainment will start at 6 PM!

As if this wasn't enough, we will have food, sno cones, popcorn, and face painting! It will be a night for the whole family to enjoy. 

Rain date is July 16th, same time and place.

Brookhaven Retirement Community

Brookhaven Annual Cruise-In is taking place at Brookhaven Retirement Community, which is located at One Country Lane in Brookville. Brookhaven Retirement Community - BrookHaven Retirement Community is designed to meet your expectations every step of the way without requiring any endowments or conversions of assets.

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