Summer Concert featuring Manic Drive

Summer Concert featuring Manic Drive

Free concert featuring the Christian rock band Manic Drive.

Event details

Address: 8625 Brandt Pike, Huber Heights, OH 45424 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Sep 06 2014)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Summer Concert featuring Manic Drive

Free concert featuring the Christian rock band Manic Drive.  Food available and door prizes will be given out.

Eichelberger Amphitheater

Summer Concert featuring Manic Drive is taking place at Eichelberger Amphitheater, which is located at 8625 Brandt Pike in Huber Heights. Eichelberger Amphitheater - A community outdoor amphitheater.

Sulphur Grove United Methodist Church.

Sulphur Grove United Methodist Church - Sulphur Grove United Methodist Church in Huber Heights, Ohio. We are committed to growing disciples of Jesus Christ, living and sharing God's love.

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