Sewing Knits 101; One-Hour Shirt

Sewing Knits 101; One-Hour Shirt

10% off all supplies purchased for this class at Sew Dayton.

Event details

Venue: Sew Dayton
Address: , Dayton, OH [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Thu, May 28 2015)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $30 (plus pattern)

Sewing Knits 101; One-Hour Shirt


Sewing 101; The Basics

 Ages: 12+

Materials:  10% off all supplies purchased for this class at Sew Dayton.

Sewing Kit

Stretch Needle

2 Yards Knit (either 45” or 55’”)



Supplies included with class:

Sewing pattern



Learn about knit


Intro to using a Serger


Please check our Class Policies. Please drop off your machine and then park in the lot across the street with our cars. The lot on Wayne next to PRESS will tow!!  We are considerate neighbors and would like to leave the 2-hour spots open for PRESS’s customers and customers that will be turning the spot quickly. Thank you for understanding.

Sew Dayton

Sewing Knits 101; One-Hour Shirt is taking place at Sew Dayton, which is located at in Dayton. Sew Dayton - Sew Dayton closed in August 2016

Dayton Events Calendar

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