Keep Your Computer Happy!

BY: Cliff Brust
last updated 08/20/2013
Keep Your Computer Happy!

REMEMBER HOW FAST YOUR COMPUTER WAS WHEN IT WAS NEW? This month Computer Troubleshooters has a few tips to help you keep you computer running better and lasting longer.

Keep Your Computer Happy!

This month Computer Troubleshooters has a few tips to help you keep you computer running better and lasting longer. These tips are simple things that you can do to keep your computer happy and running in top condition.

  1. Give your computer plenty of air. Clear those stacks of paper off your compute, pull it out of the corner, and make sure its fans are unobstructed and operating properly.
  2. Speaking of fans - every now and then take the cover off your computer and make sure your fans are clean. If the fan is all "gunked-up" with dust and pet hair, it won't be able to cool efficiently. A can of compressed air is an excellent choice for blowing out dust without touching any of the delicate components. Just hold your breath when you spray!
  3. Move your computer to a place where it doesn't have to work as hard to cool itself. If it's sitting in bright sunlight or if it's right near an appliance that generates a lot of heat (like a projector, for example), it's already at a disadvantage.
  4. Get your computer up off the floor. Water heater, leaks and mild flooding will cause major damage to thousands of dollars worth of computer equipment.
  5. Now and then run a full backup and test it to make sure you could restore your system in the event of a data loss. We've spoken with countless computer owners who run backups but never test them, and then they're shocked to find out their backups are corrupted or incomplete.
  6. If you have an external hard drive backup system, great. If you have an offsite backup as well, that's even better.
  7. Write down all your software product keys, license numbers, passwords, configuration notes, and encryption codes and put them in a locked place that will not draw attention.

These are just a few simple things you can do to make sure your computer and your data are in tip-top operating condition. If you need computer help then give Computer Troubleshooters a call. A friendly technician is ready to answer your questions.

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