TEDx Dayton 2014 Videos Now Online

BY: Lauren Rinehart
last updated 02/02/2015
TEDx Dayton 2014 Videos Now Online

On Friday, October 17, 2014 approximately 1,100 people filled the Victoria Theatre to hear 25 speakers, performers, and artists with only one rule: To keep an open mind.

TEDx Dayton 2014 Videos Now Online

On Friday, October 17, 2014 approximately 1,100 people filled the Victoria Theatre to hear 25 speakers, performers, and artists with only one rule: To keep an open mind.

TEDx events are independently organized TED events where the focus is to share ideas worth spreading. In 2014, TEDxDayton's motif was to “Explore, Exchange, and Excite” and each of the speakers, performers, and artists gave presentations that fit one or all of these directives. The all day event is split into four sessions with around 6 speakers to a session. Between sessions, attendees had an opportunity to participate in a community art project where each person took a shape of colorful paper and wrote the answer to the question, "What would you do if you could not fail?"

The presentations varied in theme and substance. Here are just a few examples:

  • Ben Callahan explained his findings on how to create something timeless through group improvisation. 
  • Fourteen year old Alanna Wall described the creation of her nationally-renowned charity, PolishedGirlz, which has volunteers all over the country paint the nails of hospitalized girls and girls with special needs.
  • Brian Raison encouraged the audience to be local food superheroes by devoting at least 10% of our food budgets to local foods.
  • Comedy writers, The Levinson Brothers, showed the audience how to use collaboration (and humor) to accomplish shared goals.
  • Dan Krane explored the bias in forensic DNA analysis.
  • Mark Bailey thrilled the audience with his idea to create a hybrid amusement park at RiverScape MetroPark.
  • Librarian Lisa Holmes described the shame she suffered before finally seeking help for her dyslexia, and her triumph over illiteracy, advocating for illiteracy awareness and efforts to promote literacy. 
  • Survivor Catalleya Storm asked the audience to start talking about human trafficking as its strength lies in our silence.

One after another each speaker brought a fresh perspective and new awareness to the TEDxDayton audience, eliciting laughter, tears, and occasional standing ovations. In its second year, TEDxDayton has once again succeeded in its mission to help ideas spread throughout the Dayton region.

A full list of videos from TEDxDayton 2014 are now viewable on their website.


TEDxDayton - TEDxDayton is organized by local volunteers who gather talented storytellers to inspire attendees of these events and others around the world.

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