Live music will return to downtown Dayton this summer

last updated 02/20/2021
Live music will return to downtown Dayton this summer

Live music will return to Levitt Pavilion in downtown Dayton this summer.

Live music will return to downtown Dayton this summer

Great news for music lovers! Organizers with the Levitt Pavilion in downtown Dayton said they plan to have outdoor concerts again this summer.

The Eichelberger Concert Season at the popular music venue is tentatively scheduled to open on June 12, 2021.

"This date is pending official approval from the city and the health department," Levitt Pavilion officials said in a release, "but with Dr. Fauci saying 'Outdoors is much, much safer than indoors' at the Association for Performing Arts Professionals (APAP) Conference, we are very optimistic."

Levitt Pavilion went on to say they are planning new health and safety guidelines, along with state-mandated restrictions, including social distancing requirements and mask-wearing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"We cannot wait to see you all LIVE and IN PERSON!" Levitt Pavilion said.

The popular downtown music venue, which offers free live music concerts opened to the public in 2018 and hosted 50 free concerts during its second season in 2019.  The COVID-19 pandemic led to the cancelation of the entire 2020 concert season.

Levitt Pavilion Dayton.

Levitt Pavilion Dayton - Building community through music, one free concert at a time, Levitt Pavilion is located on Dave Hall Plaza on South Main between Fourth and Fifth Streets in downtown Dayton.

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