Voice of America MetroPark - West Chester

Voice of America MetroPark
Directory Profile

Voice of America MetroPark

7850 VOA Park Dr
West Chester, OH, 45069

Voice of America MetroPark is nestled in the heart of West Chester Township.

This 435-acre park features a 35-acre stocked lake, nine miles of combined paved and natural trails, the Ronald Reagan Lodge Banquet Facility, Voice of America Athletic Field Complex, Chill Hill Sledding hill, a Cricket Field, a large natural meadow area, and Wiggly Field Dog Park. Visitors can fish, boat, walk, jog, or just sit and enjoy the view. WiFi is available to park guests to combine business and pleasure in and around the Lodge. Much of the park's acreage remains grassland and was designated as an "Important Birding Area" by Audubon Ohio. This park is open year-round for the delight of adults and kids of all ages! The Voice of America MetroPark has something for everyone!

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