Jaxon Mush - Dayton

Jaxon Mush
Directory Profile

Jaxon Mush

6195 Webster Street
Dayton, OH, 45414

Located in Dayton Ohio since 1896. Jaxon Corn Meal Mush is more than a delicious breakfast food. It's a versatile, home-style corn product that can add new taste and variety to all your meals.

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Made in Dayton: Jaxon Mush

Made in Dayton: Jaxon Mush

11/05/2012: Dayton, OH - Mush: It's a country favorite dish, often served pan-fried and drenched in maple syrup. Once a staple in the corn belt, it remains a cuisine consumed all over the world. But for almost 100 years, the major distributor of mush has been right here in Dayton.

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