7 Signs March Madness Is Coming To Dayton

last updated 03/06/2015
7 Signs March Madness Is Coming To Dayton

There's simply nothing like March Madness, and we're excited! Here are seven signs we know it's getting close!

7 Signs March Madness Is Coming To Dayton

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  1. A day at the office is now 10% Facebook and 80% checking scores. (10% might actually be work.) 
  2. Madness over when NCR left town is now focused on basketball.
  3. Family photos are covered by brackets
  4. More talk about who won than the weather.
  5. The pizza, wings and beer diet kicks-in.
  6. People choose Dayton, Ohio over Daytona, Florida as  a vacation destination.
  7. UD arena parking lot is now fuller than the one on I-75 through downtown.

Photos: 7 Signs March Madness Is Coming To Dayton

7 Signs March Madness Is Coming To Dayton

Here are seven signs we know it's getting close!

Dayton News

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